| Josh Waide |
Youth Pastor
Email: jwaide@ardenroadbaptist.com
I was blessed to have been raised in a Christian home by godly parents. However, I made a profession of faith as child, but never had full peace about it until the summer of 2001 at Silver State Baptist Youth Camp. It was a Wednesday night service at camp and the message was on the reality of Hell. I knew that if I did not settle this issue with my salvation that Hell would be my destination. So, that night I put my trust in Jesus Christ, and realized it's all about the finished work of Him. My wife, Terrah, and I grew up in the same church in Perryton, TX. We both attended Texas Tech University, and I graduated in 2005. We were married in June of 2006, and she finished her Masters in December of 2006. We continued to live in Lubbock, and were involved in our local church. We always felt like the Lord was asking more of our lives, and continued to try and fulfill that with serving in more things at Bethany Baptist Church. In the summer of 2011, we knew the Lord was wanting us in full time ministry, and, over the next several years, surrendered our life in all areas to what He would have us to do. In 2015, we were able to fill in as the full time interim youth directors at Bethany for about 7 months. Then, the Lord opened the door for us to serve on staff at Arden Road Baptist under Bro. Aaron Denson, who was our pastor for eight years at Bethany prior to his move to ARBC. We are blessed to be able to serve our great God here with our Pastor, the staff and the people of Arden Road Baptist Church. My wife and I have been blessed with five wonderful children Caleb, Hannah, David, Jude and Elijah.